
Broccoli Family- Edmonton Lifestyle Photography

September 5, 2012

I first met the Broccoli’s when I photographed the beautiful Janet when she was pregnant with little Isaiah. Now their family has grown by one more and Janet’s a super mom to two busy little guys.  Luckily, they  are two of the sweetest little boys I’ve met too and seriously, how cute are they? Yup, Ridiculously cute.

This was my first session after the mosquitoes made themselves known in Edmonton. It was like one day everything was normal and the next it was terrifying to step outside because of the swarms of the little beasts. We couldn’t keep them off the boys and we learned quickly that natural organic bug spray does nothing against this super strain of Edmonton skeeters. Our session was cut short due to the insane number of bites we were getting ( The next day I think I counted into the 30’s before I stopped…) but not before we had fun running through fields and exploring new places together.  As much as I love my little girls those little boys made me wish I had a couple of my own 🙂

Thanks for a fun morning,
