
Katie and Tyler- Edmonton Maternity Photography

September 26, 2013

I just photographed Katie & Tyler’s newborn baby girl a few days ago (and yes, she’s perfect and everything wonderful) but a few weeks before that I photographed her awesome parents in Central Alberta. They brought along their fur baby, Mable, for a evening in the Red Deer river valley.  We enjoy the views but conversation centred around this new unseen little mystery. Who was in there? Boy or Girl? What would it be like to go through labour? What would the baby look like?…… It’s amazing a few short weeks can change your entire life. You are both now parents. You have a daughter. Pregnancy is now just a memory. Isn’t life amazing?

Thanks for being up for a drive (and letting me feel your tummy kick. It’s really the best part of pregnancy, isn’t it?)





[…] and taking only a couple short hours to be born. She’s the adorable sweetheart of one of my dear friends and I can’t wait for our girlies to grow up […]

WOW! Amazing photos, Katie you are stunning as always! I am so overjoyed for you and Tyler and I can’t wait to see the pics of Miss Allie!

Awwwww! She makes one stunning pregnant lady! (and you make stunning portraits Kelsy) congratulations Katie.